Fishy Fish

Listening to: Sade.
Watching: Requiem.


Meet Grubbie, my fish. I've been taking care of him for a month now. I bought him with three other fish last month, but apparently only he survived. The first black fish didn't even live more than 24 hours since I bought it. That was because at that time I hadn't bought the fish tank for them. I put two of them in a tall glass and the other two in a bucket. The accident happened when I left my room for cooking for an hour or so. This fish seemed to get stressed out in the small tall glass so it jumped out of it. I found it too late, and there it was, laying on the floor dead.

Three left. I finally bought a fish bowl. I put those three there and for some reasons they survived for three weeks. Everyone had told me that I should buy the air pump for goldfish can't live long without it. But I insisted that they could survive without, as long as I changed the water often.
Until one day, I left my (new) room for work.. Aris, one of the staff, had been complaining that our boss questioned about the raise of the electricity bill at EF (again, with more members, more bills, right? Business people couldn't seem to comprehend that!). Well I often leave my room with aircon on, not intended, but I just forgot. Well that day, I did NOT forget to turn off the AC. This new room I've got is on the top floor with Mba Minda's and Ernie's room. It receives the most sunlight so it was completely hot without aircon. Plus, the smell of the paint was so strong I couldn't even sleep for the first two days I moved there. Anyway, my dear fish were left without aircon in that new room. So guess what I'd found in the evening after working. Two of them died!

I was quite stressed out. Two, not one, fish were dead! This was the first time for me to take care of fish. I always know how to have petdogs, but never fish! I guess I had that feeling that they'd eventually die one day, for back then I didn't bother to name them. I only callled them A, B and C. Now that one left, I rushed to the fish market and bought the smallest air pump (cause the fish tank is small, too) for this orange fish to survive. He does, until now. And I named him Grubbie, taken from the flash game I played on computer called Insaniquarium.

I have now somewhat an emotional bound with Grubbie for:

1. He's the only one left.
2. He sees me do everything everyday, including changing clothes (that's very intimate, huh?).
3. He seems to try to communicate with me, especially when he is hungry.
4. I'm bored.


  1. Anonymous1:56 pm

    Ikanmu butuh temen tah 'la ? dirumahku ada Arwana hihihi bisa buat temen kejar-kejaran sekaligus 'sarapan' :D

  2. asem lu. males banget. ntar aku piara kucing ae biar arwanamu yg dimakan.

  3. Hahaha, dasar kalian pemilik2 ikan yang aneh.

    How's life treating you, my dear Carla?
    Evthing's fine in Tegal?
    makasih ya dah nyempetin mampir blog-ku... It's always nice to know that I'm still remembered, hehehe.

  4. hahahah baca komen2 kalian emang bikin aku ngikik. lumayan penyegaran otak. nek ngono aku tak piara anjing ae ya :))

    btw, blogmu yg satunya kenapa lagi? gak bisa diakses....

  5. lek kamu piara anjing, shier.. aku tak piara burung ae biar kutu2 anjingmu dimakan burungku. simbiosis mutualisme! hehe..

    hi ya ella girlie, glad to hear from you again. i enjoy your blog as always... but it's just hard to find some time to relaxedly read all the lovely blogs i know. :P Tegal is ok, still boring.. but ain't gonna be in 2.5 months. I'm going travelling again. yay!
