I wish I were Rich

Listening to: Watermark - Enya
Supernova - Petir by Dee

I wish I were rich

that I could travel to places
that I could design my own house as I please
that I could give my dogs a proper annual injection
that I could present my mother a calm healthy peaceful life with no stress
that I could have only one job to cover everything, instead of two and more
that I could make my sister and brother happy and enjoy their smiley faces

I wish I were beautiful
that I could date any cool guys I want
that I could be an international top model
that I could make much much money from it
that I could be rich

I wish I were wise
that I wouldn't spend my money on useless things
that I could manage my working time more effectively
that I could earn more money
that I could be rich

I wish I were famous
that people would adore me
that I would get a lot of gifts
, money prefered
that I could save all of them without working
that I could be rich

I wish I were rich
that I could afford plane tickets to the rainy country where mijn lieverd lives
that I could squeeze, feel, taste, smell, kiss and love him
that I could be together with him
that I could smile again
that I could laugh again
that I could love again
if only I were rich

I'm not.


  1. Money = musuh bebuyutanku juga.

    Anyway, mo kasih komen for 1 paragraph yang menarik perhatianku:

    I wish I were beautiful So...you admit that you are not beautiful, narist girl?! wehehehe

  2. Money = my bestfriend.. bukan musuh kok. Tapi susah amat gitu loh ndapetinnya.

    The state of beautiful here is as beautiful as a supermodel. A beauty that makes money. A beauty that can make me rich.

    While my present beauty is only enough to satisfy myself and my admirers (I want to believe there are.. hehehe). It doesn't go through glossy magazines, catwalks and TV screens. That's the same for many other beautiful girls, I think.

  3. Andai a..a..a..a..ku jadi orang kaya....
    pasti kamu tak bagiin sedikit biar kamu jadi kaya juga hehehe.
    Yang pasti setelah aku beli rumah n kendaraan buat mamaku,
    setelah aku kasih tabungan yang cukup buat kedua adikku,
    setelah aku punya modal cukup buat kawin...

  4. wadoh vei...

    Lak kudu sugih nemen?!?! hahahahaha

  5. ehmmmm kalo ntar aku dah kaya,uda kliling 5 benua (walau nga tiap kota ato negara) Trus uda punya lahan pertanian di Australia,n punya kebun binatang entah dimana.ehmm kayake kita smua pada uda tua ,jadi kita cuman bisa tinggal ongkang2 kaki nikmati tabungan pensiun kita hauahuahauha

  6. Yeah.. you WISH!

    Hahaha... sorry, didn't mean to be rude, but I suppose everyone is dealing with the same problem, right?
    There is never enough money in our wallets, karena manusia makin besar, makin tua, makin membubunglah keinginannya.

    Padahal dulu waktu SD aku sudah cukup puas dengan uang 500 sehari, dan waktu SMA aku malah berlebihan dengan uang 100 ribu sebulan. Bayangkan sekarang ini dalam berapa menit uang 100 ribu itu bisa melayang dari tanganku! Hehehe. Manusia... manusia.

  7. RALAT : ehmmmm kalo ntar aku dah kaya,uda kliling 5 benua (walau nga tiap kota ato negara) Trus uda punya lahan pertanian di Australia,n punya kebun binatang entah dimana.ehmm kayake kita smua pada uda tua ,jadi kita cuman bisa tinggal ongkang2 kaki nikmati tabungan pensiun kita (karna uda nga punya duit tersisa) Aku kasih kamu juga kita sama2 nga bisa kemana2 La.Duduk dirumah menikmati hari tua.

  8. It's all about the money..

    Memang bener, uang itu BUKAN segalanya.. tapi, dengan uang bisa memberikan kemudahan dalam banyak hal.

    Biarin orang2 bilang, "Dasar, cewek matre!".. mereka tuh cuma ga realistis aja. Abisnya, kalo ga matre kan gak hidup, ya gak?!?! hehehe..

  9. Enaknya jadi orang kaya. Nek aku kaya pasti aku bakal beli rumah buat mamaku, beli semua komik and novel yg aku suka gak pake mikir 2x banyak buku mana yg lebih baik dibeli bulan depan/bulan depannya lagi supaya gak bayar tagihan terlalu banyak.

    Travelling around the world is definitely the thing I would do after buying a house.

    Tapi, mungkin nti kendalanya kita bakal gak gampang cari cowok yg gak ngejar kita karena kita kaya. Jadi mestine cari cowok seng sama 2x kaya tapi berkepribadian oke. Susah kali ye? :)

    Kapan kita kaya ya, La?


  10. emang manusia ga pernah puas ama satu hal aja; but that the beauty of it dont you think? klo ada keinginan to imajinasi/fantasi, kita ga akan punya ambisi, with no ambition there will be no motivationm to live .. well at least, money is one simple thing compare to motivations that it brings to our lives..
