
Mood: Comatose
Reading: Desires & Deceptions by Jasmine Cresswell


Sometimes I just make things more complicated than they should be.
Sometimes it seems like the most simple thing in the world is to hug the warm darkness and never wake up.
Sometimes it's just so frustrating to embrace the cooling air.
Sometimes the past and the future are more beautiful than the sucking present; but when the now-present passes and becomes the past, it is judged to be the most convinient.

Sometimes I just want to get my brain out of my head and think of nothing.


  1. "masa lalu" adalah cermin untuk melangkah ke depan, cermin agar kejadian yang tidak kita inginkan tidak terulang lagi,
    "masa depan" tidak pasti, kadang kita takut karena terlalu memikirkan sesuatu yang
    belum pasti dan belum tentu terjadi,
    "Sekarang" kita jalani saja kehidupan ini apa adanya biarkan waktu menjawab semua pertanyaan di pikiranmu itu satu persatu..... tidak mudah... tidak perlu terlalu dipikirkan... hanya perlu dijalani... berusaha... dan pasrah...

    note : mengapa manusia selalu memikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan terburuk di masa depan ? dan memikirkan hal-hal kelam di masa lampau ? mengapa tidak sebaliknya ? yang dapat membuat kita bisa terus tersenyum.

  2. valens, nice speech.

    but theories remain theories. facts remain facts. thoughts and feelings which emerge in the process can't be helped.

    i was just expressing my feelings. not questioning anything or thinking bad. nor saying that my present life is ugly. nothing like that. i, in fact, feel loved, by many people whom i love.

    i'm sensing something. but i'm lost of what. maybe i know, but i don't know, or just don't want to know.

    i'd better sink to my bed before i'm making myself more complicated than i am now.


  3. I've been feeling the same way lately. Why does life have to be so complicated? Why do I feel the need to make it that way?

  4. Jason.. I guess life just has its own way to play with our emotions.
    I seriously envy those who take it very easily and just live for today. I have a few friends who are like that. It seems soo.. nice and free to be like them. But I just can't. Except when I'm off holidaying.

    I sometimes feel good with my way of thinking -- cause thus I actually can be grateful for what happens in my life. But I... maybe we... sometimes just need to stop worrying for tomorrow.
