Winzz Music
While I'm getting more and more unproductive each day, Vincent is the other way around. He just made this website containing his music. If you have a good connection, please listen to the songs and perhaps leave him a note of how you think about them.
CD is available for US$ 5 or Rp 50,000. Free shipping for orders inside Indonesia. Please leave a note here or email for your order.
Since Shierly was the first to comment that, she will get the CD for free. :)
ReplyDeletecan we exchange link..
your blog is a good stuff
thanks. where should i link you to? ? let me know if you've added me and please give me the link. cheers.
ReplyDeletentik kalo ada net di kos baru aku cek yah :D asik asik
kalo nunggu kosmu ada internetnya bisa lama lho. kamu bisa sakit krn penasaran. beli aja CDnya. cuma Rp 50,000!!!!! hihi