Decision Decision..

Ok I've said I'd leave my teaching job. But listen to this:

My mother woke me up at 5:15 this morning and I was just so.... unmotivated to even move my body to the washroom.  Grumbling coz I'd predict that I would be late waking up at that time, I took my morning mandi and washed my hair. A bit fresher a moment later, I asked my mother to call for a becak (Yeah, todays becak is cool. You can even order them to come to your house, just like taxi. Hihihi..). Then I left my house at 6 o'clock sharp, just the time I should have arrived at the street near the cemetary where the office car picked me up.

This is the first time I teach at SD St. Clara (elementary school). The company set up an agreement with this school to add an intra-curicullar Public Speaking lessons for its students. I did not directly teach coz there was a MOS (new students' orientation), just like at St. Carolus. Anyway, it only lasted for an hour so I could start teaching the fourth grade, 4B, for 20 minutes (it should be an hour and 20 minutes, but it was cut by the MOS activity).

Like always, no matter how sleepy I am, when I face those students I'm always fully freshly awake. Darn I do love teaching. Looking at those bright small smiley faces of the 7th year old kids make me feel 10 years younger. Especially when you wit their eagerness to learn and how small unimportant things can excite them so very easily. And THIS made me confused again.

Should I drop this teaching stuff or should I continue it? I definitely don't want to let go my website job. It's so fun to work there (boring as well, but hey, which work doesn't make you feel bored at times?).  Oh what am I to do? :(


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