Rapid Hope Loss

I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin back at me
To see me lookin back at you
[Safe from Harm - Massive Attack]

I made this one. What do you think?

I had a dreamless sleep when
You woke me up with sweet kisses and
a tight hug from behind

Flowery heavenly view rushed in
Defeating my heavy eyes.
It seemed like forever to recall
The last time I smiled so wide..

You changed it into laughs in seconds
Took me to the highest level of intimacy and love
I'd dreamt my whole life
Left me stunned so long




Then I was no longer numb
Coldness took over
Creeping all over my bare body
Still idling I realised
You were no longer there
Sharing your majestic warmth

I reached out in the dark but
Nothing to see
Nothing to hear
Nothing to touch
Nothing to feel
at all..

I couldn't feel the solid ground
Couldn't feel the breeze of the air
Couldn't feel the sun and light
It was all black and silent

I'm lost


  1. was it love? or just a physical loss?

  2. I'll leave it to your imagination. :)
