Fake Half Holidays

I've not come to teach at school this week as the students are having their semester final test. I've anticipated it by planning to sleep during the day before going to the website company, with a hope that I'll be fresher at Excellogix.

Monday, 6 December 2004
It's the last day to submit all scores of the students' test. And I still had 6 more tests to check, then count the overall score. Phew. Hardly slept.

Tuesday, 7 December 2004
Went to the office earlier to drop the b/w films at a photo studio to print.

Wednesday, 8 December 2004
Took a morning and night shift at the office. Private lesson for Anthony at noon. Ekk..

Well.. I don't think tomorrow and Friday will be better and more relaxing. Gotta go back for school on Friday and I should start writing on the students report tomorrow. *sob*

I feel like being slaved!


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