Grateful for Having at Least 1 Nice Photo from the Snorkel

Day 8 of 365 grateful days project.

"I'm grateful to have at least 1 nice photo from the underwater shots Vincent took when we went snorkeling."

I had the disposable underwater film developed today. And though I did expect to have 27 nice photos coming out of it, I guess one nice photo is still good enough than nothing at all. Nobody had told me that the disposable camera sucked in quality; and if only my stupid toenail wasn't broken that I would be strong enough to snorkel myself without having to hold on Vincent's hand, I wouldn't give the camera to him. He said that he couldn't see the viewfinder well with snorkel on. I think he was just not used to it. But he did take some great shots if only the camera's quality is a bit better.

I tried to play a little bit on Photoshop but it's hard. However, in small resolution, the result doesn't look that bad. And at least now I get to have an underwater photo to put on my Facebook profile picture. Hahaha...

Here goes...

Me and Vincent

Menjangan sea garden

School of fish
Next time, I'll just buy this waterproof DSLR case for my camera. It'd save a lot of money because I'd be using digital camera; and the quality will be so much improved too! Can't wait for our next snorkeling trip!


  1. those are nice shots!!

    once we used disposable underwater camera, but all the pictures couldn't be printed out :(.

    so i was thinking to buy that kind of waterproof DSLR case, tapi trus aku liat punya temenku di sorowako ada air yg merembes masuk. so i prefer waterproof pocket camera. good quality, bisa buat diving, even skiing (antishock too, bagus buat aku yang sering jatoh :p)

  2. Yes, I thought about underwater camera. But for the price it offers, I'd rather buy new lens. But then again, if it leaks, I'll probably kill myself if the sea water kills my camera. So now I'm at square one again. :(
